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More NIL help from the NCAA

As NILs have become more popular, the NCAA and its rules need to evolve more rapidly. Good to see that they are examining these rules. Hopefully we will see new rules changes proposed, otherwise the NCAA will be left behind. 

College sports leaders are considering making changes to current NCAA guidelines that would allow schools to get significantly more involved in helping athletes make money from endorsement deals. An NCAA subcommittee in charge of examining the rules that dictate how athletes use their name, image and likeness rights to make money will meet Thursday to discuss several proposed changes, according to meeting notes obtained by ESPN. The notes show potential changes that would give schools the clearance to find deals for athletes, review contracts, help them with taxes, and provide resources such as cameras or graphic designers for athletes to complete their end of a marketing deal. The proposed changes have not been finalized, but they would potentially eliminate some of the gray area that has left uncertainty about how much athletic departments can help athletes.


nil, ncaa