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Biden's AI Executive Order Impacts Health Care Board Governance

Multiple provisions of President Joe Biden's Executive Order draw specific board interest and confirm the overall need for health care boards to formalize AI-related oversight and decision-making protocols.  

The new standards for “AI Safety and Security,” ”Protecting Americans' Privacy," and “Advancing Equity and Civil Rights” (among others) highlight areas in which health care boards should, together with executives, create infrastructure to respond to the Executive Order.

AI can bring real benefits to consumers—for example, by making products better, cheaper, and more widely available. But AI also raises the risk of injuring, misleading, or otherwise harming Americans. To protect consumers while ensuring that AI can make Americans better off, the President directs the following actions: Advance the responsible use of AI in healthcare and the development of affordable and life-saving drugs. The Department of Health and Human Services will also establish a safety program to receive reports of—and act to remedy – harms or unsafe healthcare practices involving AI.