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Proposed changes to FTA SSO Rule

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) released proposed revisions to its State Safety Oversight regulation on Nov. 15.  The proposed revisions address new requirements established by Congress as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.  

The proposed revisions include increased oversight by SSOs (inspection authority, authority to provide safety oversight during pre-revenue phases of projects) and new provisions that respond to rail transit authority comments regarding the program standard process and require a defined SSOA process for oversight of a rail transit authority's safety risk mitigations.  FTA is accepting comments through January 16, 2024 (Docket No. FTA-2023-0008).

On November 15, 2023, FTA published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in the Federal Register proposing updated requirements for the State Safety Oversight regulation. The public comment period is open until January 16, 2024.